


Option name Type Description
el Element

DOM element

return Boolean

true, if it has milo component attached to it


Checks if element has a component attached to it by
checking the presence of property difined in milo.config

function isComponent(el) {
    return el.hasOwnProperty(config.componentRef);



Option name Type Description
el Element

DOM element

return Component

component attached to element


function getComponent(el) {
    return el && el[config.componentRef];



Option name Type Description
node Node

DOM Element or text Node

returnCurrent Boolean

optional boolean value indicating whether the component of the element can be returned. True by default, should be false to return only ancestors.

conditionOrFacet Function, String

optional condition that component should pass (or facet name it should contain)

return Component

Returns the closest component which contains the specified element,
optionally, only component that passes condition test or contains specified facet

Unless returnCurrent parameter is false, the function will return
the current component of the element (true by default).

function getContainingComponent(node, returnCurrent, conditionOrFacet) {
    // check(node, Node); - can't check tiype here as it is most likely coming from another frame
    check(returnCurrent, Match.Optional(Boolean));
    check(conditionOrFacet, Match.Optional(Match.OneOf(Function, String)));

    var conditionFunc = _makeComponentConditionFunc(conditionOrFacet);

    return _getContainingComponent(node, returnCurrent, conditionFunc);

function _makeComponentConditionFunc(conditionOrFacet) {
    if (typeof conditionOrFacet == 'function')
        return conditionOrFacet;
    else if (typeof conditionOrFacet == 'string') {
        var facetName = _.firstLowerCase(conditionOrFacet);
        return function (comp) {
           return comp.hasFacet(facetName);

function _getContainingComponent(el, returnCurrent, conditionFunc) {
    // Where the current element is a component it should be returned
    // if returnCurrent is true or undefined
    if (returnCurrent !== false) {
        var comp = getComponent(el);
        if (comp && (! conditionFunc || conditionFunc(comp)))
            return comp;

    // Where there is no parent element, this function will return undefined
    // The parent element is checked recursively
    if (el.parentNode)
        return _getContainingComponent(el.parentNode, true, conditionFunc);