


Facet with component related dom utils

var Dom = _.createSubclass(ComponentFacet, 'Dom');

_.extend(Dom, {
    createElement: Dom$$createElement



Option name Type Description
config Object

with the properties domConfig, content, template

return Element

an html element

Facet class method
Creates an element from a passed configuation object

function Dom$$createElement(config) {
    var domConfig = config.domConfig || {}
        , tagName = domConfig.tagName || 'div'
        , newEl = document.createElement(tagName)
        , content = config.content
        , template = config.template;

    // TODO it will be called again when/if component is instantiated
    // Should be someproperty on element to indicate it's been called?
    _applyConfigToElement(newEl, domConfig);

    if (typeof content == 'string') {
        if (template)
            newEl.innerHTML = doT.template(template)({content: content});
            newEl.innerHTML = content;
    return newEl;

function _applyConfigToElement(el, config) {
    var cssClasses = config && config.cls
        , configAttributes = config && config.attributes;

    if (configAttributes)
        _.eachKey(configAttributes, function(attrValue, attrName) {
            el.setAttribute(attrName, attrValue);

    if (cssClasses)
        _attachCssClasses(el, 'add', cssClasses);

_.extendProto(Dom, {
    start: start,

    show: show,
    hide: hide,
    toggle: toggle,
    detach: detach,
    remove: remove,
    append: append,
    prepend: prepend,
    appendChildren: appendChildren,
    prependChildren: prependChildren,
    insertAfter: insertAfter,
    insertBefore: insertBefore,
    appendToScopeParent: appendToScopeParent,
    children: Dom$children,
    setStyle: setStyle,
    setStyles: setStyles,
    copy: copy,
    createElement: createElement,

    addCssClasses: _.partial(_manageCssClasses, 'add'),
    removeCssClasses: _.partial(_manageCssClasses, 'remove'),
    toggleCssClasses: _.partial(_manageCssClasses, 'toggle'),

    find: find,
    hasTextBeforeSelection: hasTextBeforeSelection,
    hasTextAfterSelection: hasTextAfterSelection,


module.exports = Dom;

// start Dom facet
function start() {
    var el = this.owner.el;
    _applyConfigToElement(el, this.config);
    var currentStyle = window.getComputedStyle(el);
    this._visible = currentStyle && currentStyle.display != 'none';

// show HTML element of component
function show() {

// hide HTML element of component
function hide() {

// show/hide
function toggle(doShow) {
    doShow = typeof doShow == 'undefined'
                ? ! this._visible
                : !! doShow;

    this._visible = doShow;
    var el = this.owner.el; = doShow ? 'block' : 'none';

    return doShow;

function _manageCssClasses(methodName, cssClasses, enforce) {
    _attachCssClasses(this.owner.el, methodName, cssClasses, enforce);

function _attachCssClasses(el, methodName, cssClasses, enforce) {
    var classList = el.classList
        , doToggle = methodName == 'toggle';

    if (Array.isArray(cssClasses))
    else if (typeof cssClasses == 'string')
        throw new Error('unknown type of CSS classes parameter');

    function callMethod(cssCls) {
        if (doToggle) {
            // Only pass 'enforce' if a value has been provided (The 'toggle' function of the classList will treat undefined === false resulting in only allowing classes to be removed)
            if (enforce === undefined) classList[methodName](cssCls) 
            else classList[methodName](cssCls, enforce);
        } else

function detach() {
    if (this.owner.el)  

function setStyle(property, value) {
    if (!this.owner.el) {
        throw new Error("Cannot call setStyle on owner with no element: " +;
    }[property] = value;

function setStyles(properties) {
    for (var property in properties)[property] = properties[property];

// create a copy of DOM element using facet config if set
function copy(isDeep) {
    return this.owner.el && this.owner.el.cloneNode(isDeep);

function createElement() {
    var newEl = Dom.createElement(this.config);
    return newEl;

// remove HTML element of component
function remove() {

// append inside HTML element of component
function append(el) {

// prepend inside HTML element of component
function prepend(el) {
    var thisEl = this.owner.el
        , firstChild = thisEl.firstChild;
    if (firstChild)
        thisEl.insertBefore(el, firstChild);

// appends children of element inside this component's element
function appendChildren(el) {

// prepends children of element inside this component's element
function prependChildren(el) {
        this.prepend(el.childNodes[el.childNodes.length - 1]);

function insertAfter(el) {
    var thisEl = this.owner.el
        , parent = thisEl.parentNode;    
    parent.insertBefore(el, thisEl.nextSibling);

function insertBefore(el) {
    var thisEl = this.owner.el
        , parent = thisEl.parentNode;
    parent.insertBefore(el, thisEl);

// appends component's element to scope parent. If it was alredy in DOM it will be moved
function appendToScopeParent() {
    var parent = this.owner.getScopeParent();
    if (parent) parent.el.appendChild(this.owner.el);



Dom facet instance method
Returns the list of child elements of the component element

function Dom$children() {
    return domUtils.children(this.owner.el);

var findDirections = {
    'up': 'previousNode',
    'down': 'nextNode'

// Finds component passing optional iterator's test
// in the same scope as the current component (this)
// by traversing DOM tree upwards (direction = "up")
// or downwards (direction = "down")
function find(direction, iterator) {
    if (! findDirections.hasOwnProperty(direction))
        throw new Error('incorrect find direction: ' + direction);

    var el = this.owner.el
        , scope = this.owner.scope
        , treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker(scope._rootEl, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT);

    treeWalker.currentNode = el;
    var nextNode = treeWalker[findDirections[direction]]()
        , componentsNames = Object.keys(scope)
        , found = false;

    while (nextNode) {
        var attr = new BindAttribute(nextNode);
        if (attr.node) {
            if (scope.hasOwnProperty(attr.compName)) {
                var component = scope[attr.compName];
                if (! iterator || iterator(component)) {
                    found = true;
        treeWalker.currentNode = nextNode;
        nextNode = treeWalker[findDirections[direction]]();

    if (found) return component;

// returns true if the element has text before selection
function hasTextBeforeSelection() {
    var selection = window.getSelection();
    if (! selection.isCollapsed) return true;
    var text = selection.focusNode && selection.focusNode.textContent;
    var startPos = text && text.charAt(0) == ' ' ? 1 : 0;
    if (selection.anchorOffset != startPos) return true;

    // walk up the DOM tree to check if there are text nodes before cursor
    var treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker(this.owner.el, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT);
    treeWalker.currentNode = selection.anchorNode;
    var prevNode = treeWalker.previousNode();

    var isText = prevNode ? prevNode.nodeValue.trim() !== '' : false;

    return isText;

function hasTextAfterSelection() {
    var selection = window.getSelection();
    if (! selection.isCollapsed) return true;

    var text = selection.focusNode && selection.focusNode.textContent;
    var startPos = text && text.charAt(text.length-1) == ' ' ? selection.anchorNode.length-1 : selection.anchorNode.length;
    if (selection.anchorOffset < startPos) return true;

    // walk up the DOM tree to check if there are text nodes after cursor
    var treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker(this.owner.el, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT);
    treeWalker.currentNode = selection.anchorNode;
    var nextNode = treeWalker.nextNode();
    //To capture when treewalker gives us an empty text node (unknown reason)
    var isText = nextNode ? !nextNode.nodeValue.trim() == '' : false;

    return isText;