



Check is a module for parameters checking extracted from Meteor framework.

It allows to both document and to check parameter types in your function
making code both readable and stable.


var check = milo.check
    , Match = check.Match;

function My(name, obj, cb) {
    // if any of checks fail an error will be thrown
    check(name, String);
    check(obj, Match.ObjectIncluding({ options: Object }));
    check(cb, Function);

    // ... your code

See Meteor docs to see how it works


All patterns and functions described in Meteor docs work.

Unlike in Meteor, Object pattern matches instance of any class,
not only plain object.

In addition to patterns described in Meteor docs the following patterns are implemented

  • Match.ObjectHash(pattern)

    Matches an object where all properties match a given pattern

  • Match.Subclass(constructor [, matchThisClassToo])

    Matches a class that is a subclass of a given class. If the second parameter
    is true, it will also match the class itself.

    Without this pattern to check if MySubclass is a subclass of MyClass
    you would have to use

    check(MySubclass, Match.Where(function() {
        return MySubclass.prototype instanceof MyClass;

Things we explicitly do NOT support:

  • heterogenous arrays
var _ = require('mol-proto')
    , config = require('../config');

var check = function (value, pattern) {
    if (config.check === false)

    // Record that check got called, if somebody cared.
    try {
        checkSubtree(value, pattern);
    } catch (err) {
        if ((err instanceof Match.Error) && err.path)
            err.message += " in field " + err.path;
        throw err;

module.exports = check;

var Match = check.Match = {
    Optional: function (pattern) {
        return new Optional(pattern);
    OneOf: function (


       return new OneOf(arguments);
   Any: ['__any__'],
   Where: function (condition) {
       return new Where(condition);
   ObjectIncluding: function (pattern) {
       return new ObjectIncluding(pattern);
   // Matches only signed 32-bit integers
   Integer: ['__integer__'],

   // Matches string that is a valid identifier, will not allow javascript reserved words
   IdentifierString: /^[a-z_$][0-9a-z_$]*$/i,

   // Matches hash (object) with values matching pattern
   ObjectHash: function(pattern) {
       return new ObjectHash(pattern);

   Subclass: function(Superclass, matchSuperclassToo) {
       return new Subclass(Superclass, matchSuperclassToo);

   // XXX matchers should know how to describe themselves for errors
   Error: TypeError,

   // Meteor.makeErrorType("Match.Error", function (msg) {
       // this.message = "Match error: " + msg;
       // The path of the value that failed to match. Initially empty, this gets
       // populated by catching and rethrowing the exception as it goes back up the
       // stack.
       // E.g.: "vals[3].entity.created"
       // this.path = "";
       // If this gets sent over DDP, don't give full internal details but at least
       // provide something better than 500 Internal server error.
   //     this.sanitizedError = new Meteor.Error(400, "Match failed");
   // }),

   // Tests to see if value matches pattern. Unlike check, it merely returns true
   // or false (unless an error other than Match.Error was thrown).
   test: function (value, pattern) {
       try {
           checkSubtree(value, pattern);
           return true;
       } catch (e) {
           if (e instanceof Match.Error)
               return false;
           // Rethrow other errors.
           throw e;

function Optional(pattern) {
   this.pattern = pattern;

function OneOf(choices) {
   if (choices.length == 0)
       throw new Error("Must provide at least one choice to Match.OneOf");
   this.choices = choices;

function Where(condition) {
   this.condition = condition;

function ObjectIncluding(pattern) {
   this.pattern = pattern;

function ObjectHash(pattern) {
   this.pattern = pattern;

function Subclass(Superclass, matchSuperclassToo) {
   this.Superclass = Superclass;
   this.matchSuperclass = matchSuperclassToo;

var typeofChecks = [
   [String, "string"],
   [Number, "number"],
   [Boolean, "boolean"],
   [Function, "function"],
   // While we don't allow undefined in JSON, this is good for optional
   // arguments with OneOf.
   [undefined, "undefined"]

function checkSubtree(value, pattern) {
   // Match anything!
   if (pattern === Match.Any)

   // Basic atomic types.
   // Do not match boxed objects (e.g. String, Boolean)
   for (var i = 0; i < typeofChecks.length; ++i) {
       if (pattern === typeofChecks[i][0]) {
           if (typeof value === typeofChecks[i][1])
           throw new Match.Error("Expected " + typeofChecks[i][1] + ", got " +
                                                       typeof value);
   if (pattern === null) {
       if (value === null)
       throw new Match.Error("Expected null, got " + JSON.stringify(value));

   // Match.Integer is special type encoded with array
   if (pattern === Match.Integer) {
       // There is no consistent and reliable way to check if variable is a 64-bit
       // integer. One of the popular solutions is to get reminder of division by 1
       // but this method fails on really large floats with big precision.
       // E.g.: 1.348192308491824e+23 % 1 === 0 in V8
       // Bitwise operators work consistantly but always cast variable to 32-bit
       // signed integer according to JavaScript specs.
       if (typeof value === 'number' && (value | 0) === value)
       throw new Match.Error('Expected Integer, got '
                               + (value instanceof Object ? JSON.stringify(value) : value));

   if (pattern === Match.IdentifierString) {
       if (typeof value === 'string' && Match.IdentifierString.test(value)
               && _jsKeywords.indexOf(key) == -1)
       throw new Match.Error('Expected identifier string, got '
                               + (value instanceof Object ? JSON.stringify(value) : value));

   // "Object" is shorthand for Match.ObjectIncluding({});
   if (pattern === Object)
       pattern = Match.ObjectIncluding({});

   // Array (checked AFTER Any, which is implemented as an Array).
   if (pattern instanceof Array) {
       if (pattern.length !== 1)
           throw Error("Bad pattern: arrays must have one type element" +
       if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
           throw new Match.Error("Expected array, got " + JSON.stringify(value));

       value.forEach(function (valueElement, index) {
           try {
               checkSubtree(valueElement, pattern[0]);
           } catch (err) {
               if (err instanceof Match.Error) {
                   err.path = _prependPath(index, err.path);
               throw err;

   // Arbitrary validation checks. The condition can return false or throw a
   // Match.Error (ie, it can internally use check()) to fail.
   if (pattern instanceof Where) {
       if (pattern.condition(value))
       // XXX this error is terrible
       throw new Match.Error("Failed Match.Where validation");

   if (pattern instanceof Optional)
       pattern = Match.OneOf(undefined, pattern.pattern);

   if (pattern instanceof OneOf) {
       for (var i = 0; i < pattern.choices.length; ++i) {
           try {
               checkSubtree(value, pattern.choices[i]);
               // No error? Yay, return.
           } catch (err) {
               // Other errors should be thrown. Match errors just mean try another
               // choice.
               if (!(err instanceof Match.Error))
                   throw err;
       // XXX this error is terrible
       throw new Match.Error("Failed Match.OneOf or Match.Optional validation");

   // A function that isn't something we special-case is assumed to be a
   // constructor.
   if (pattern instanceof Function) {
       if (value instanceof pattern)
       // XXX what if .name isn't defined
       throw new Match.Error("Expected " +;

   var unknownKeysAllowed = false;
   if (pattern instanceof ObjectIncluding) {
       unknownKeysAllowed = true;
       pattern = pattern.pattern;

   if (pattern instanceof ObjectHash) {
       var keyPattern = pattern.pattern;
       var emptyHash = true;
       for (var key in value) {
           emptyHash = false;
           check(value[key], keyPattern);
       if (emptyHash)
           throw new Match.Error("Expected " +;

   if (pattern instanceof Subclass) {
       var Superclass = pattern.Superclass;
       if (pattern.matchSuperclass && value == Superclass)
       if (! (value.prototype instanceof Superclass))
           throw new Match.Error("Expected " + + " of " +;

   if (typeof pattern !== "object")
       throw Error("Bad pattern: unknown pattern type");

   // An object, with required and optional keys. Note that this does NOT do
   // structural matches against objects of special types that happen to match
   // the pattern: this really needs to be a plain old {Object}!
   if (typeof value !== 'object')
       throw new Match.Error("Expected object, got " + typeof value);
   if (value === null)
       throw new Match.Error("Expected object, got null");

   var requiredPatterns = {};
   var optionalPatterns = {};

   _.eachKey(pattern, function(subPattern, key) {
       if (pattern[key] instanceof Optional)
           optionalPatterns[key] = pattern[key].pattern;
           requiredPatterns[key] = pattern[key];
   }, this, true);

   _.eachKey(value, function(subValue, key) {
       var subValue = value[key];
       try {
           if (requiredPatterns.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
               checkSubtree(subValue, requiredPatterns[key]);
               delete requiredPatterns[key];
           } else if (optionalPatterns.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
               checkSubtree(subValue, optionalPatterns[key]);
           } else {
               if (!unknownKeysAllowed)
                   throw new Match.Error("Unknown key");
       } catch (err) {
           if (err instanceof Match.Error)
               err.path = _prependPath(key, err.path);
           throw err;
   }, this, true);

   _.eachKey(requiredPatterns, function(value, key) {
       throw new Match.Error("Missing key '" + key + "'");
   }, this, true);

var _jsKeywords = ["do", "if", "in", "for", "let", "new", "try", "var", "case",
   "else", "enum", "eval", "false", "null", "this", "true", "void", "with",
   "break", "catch", "class", "const", "super", "throw", "while", "yield",
   "delete", "export", "import", "public", "return", "static", "switch",
   "typeof", "default", "extends", "finally", "package", "private", "continue",
   "debugger", "function", "arguments", "interface", "protected", "implements",

// Assumes the base of path is already escaped properly
// returns key + base
function _prependPath(key, base) {
   if ((typeof key) === "number" || key.match(/^[0-9]+$/))
       key = "[" + key + "]";
   else if (!key.match(Match.IdentifierString) || _jsKeywords.indexOf(key) != -1)
       key = JSON.stringify([key]);

   if (base && base[0] !== "[")
       return key + '.' + base;
   return key + base;