
regexStrEnd +


    try {
        return new RegExp(regexStr);
    } catch (e) {
        throw new Error('can\'t construct regex for path pattern: ' + path);

function getPathNodeKey(pathNode, interpolated) {
    var prop =
        , startIndex = interpolated ? 2 : 1;
    return pathNode.syntax == 'array'
        ? prop.slice(startIndex, prop.length - 1)
        : prop.slice(startIndex);

// TODO allow for multiple messages in a string
function wrapMessengerMethods(methodsNames) {
    methodsNames = methodsNames || ['on', 'off'];
    var wrappedMethods = _.mapToObject(methodsNames, function(methodName) {
        var origMethod = this[methodName];
        // replacing message subsribe/unsubscribe/etc. to convert "*" message patterns to regexps
        return function(path, subscriber) {
            var regexPath = createRegexPath(path);
  , regexPath, subscriber);
    }, this);
    _.defineProperties(this, wrappedMethods);