


var objectMethods = module.exports = {
    extend: extend,
    clone: clone,
    defineProperty: defineProperty,
    defineProperties: defineProperties,
    deepExtend: deepExtend,
    deepClone: deepClone,
    keys: keys,
    allKeys: allKeys,
    values: values,
    keyOf: keyOf,
    allKeysOf: allKeysOf,
    eachKey: eachKey,
    mapKeys: mapKeys,
    reduceKeys: reduceKeys,
    filterKeys: filterKeys,
    someKey: someKey,
    everyKey: everyKey,
    pickKeys: pickKeys,
    omitKeys: omitKeys,
    isEqual: isEqual,
    isNot: isNot



####Property descriptor constants####
The sum of these constants can be used as last parameter of defineProperty and defineProperties to determine types of properties.

var constants = {
    ENUM: 1,
    CONF: 2,
    WRITABLE: 4,
    WRIT: 4
};, '_constants', constants);



Option name Type Description
self Object

object to search in

callback Function

should return true for item to pass the test, passed value, key and self as parameters

thisArg Object

optional context (this) of callback call

onlyEnumerable Boolean

An optional true to iterate enumerable properties only.

return Any

Analogue of ES6 Array find method.
Returns the value of object property that passes callback test.

objectMethods.findValue = utils.makeFindMethod(someKey, 'value');



Option name Type Description
self Object

object to search in

callback Function

should return true for item to pass the test, passed value, key and self as parameters

thisArg Object

optional context (this) of callback call

onlyEnumerable Boolean

An optional true to iterate enumerable properties only.

return Integer

Analogue of ES6 Array findIndex method.
Returns the key of object property that passes callback test. Returns undefined if not found (unlike findIndex, that returns -1 in this case).

objectMethods.findKey = utils.makeFindMethod(someKey, 'key');



Option name Type Description
self Object

An object to be extended

obj Object

An object which properties will be copied to self

onlyEnumerable Boolean

Optional flag to prevent copying non-enumerable properties, false by default

return Object

Extends object self with the properties of the object obj copying all own properties (not those inherited via prototype chain), including non-enumerable properties (unless onlyEnumerable is truthy).
Created properties will have the same descriptors as the propertis of obj.
Returns self to allow chaining with other functions.
Can be used with functions, to copy class methods, e.g.

function extend(obj, onlyEnumerable) {
    var descriptors = {};, function(value, prop) {
        descriptors[prop] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop);
    }, this, onlyEnumerable);

    Object.defineProperties(this, descriptors);

    return this;



Option name Type Description
self Object

An object to be cloned

return Object

Makes a shallow clone of object obj creating an instance of the same class; the properties will have the same descriptors.
To clone an array use

var clonedArray = [].concat(arr);

This function should not be used to clone an array, because it is inefficient.

function clone() {
    if (Array.isArray(this)) return this.slice();
    if (this instanceof Date) return new Date(this);
    if (this instanceof RegExp) return new RegExp(this);
    var clonedObject = Object.create(this.constructor.prototype);, this);
    return clonedObject;



Option name Type Description
self Object

An object to add a property to

propertyName String

the name of the property that will be added

value Any

the value of added property

decriptorFlags Integer

bit mask of property descriptor properties composed from _.ENUMERABLE (or _.ENUM), _.CONFIGURABLE (or _.CONF) and _.WRITABLE (or _.WRIT)

return Object

Syntax sugar to shorten usage of Object.defineProperty.
The simplest usage (to add non-enumerable, non-configurable, non-writable property):

_.defineProperty(obj, 'key', value);

To define some other properties use sum of the flags _.ENUMERABLE (or _.ENUM), _.CONFIGURABLE (or _.CONF) and _.WRITABLE (or _.WRIT):

_.defineProperty(obj, 'key', value, _.ENUM + _.WRIT);

Returns self.

function defineProperty(propertyName, value, decriptorFlags) {
    Object.defineProperty(this, propertyName,
        _getDescriptor(value, decriptorFlags));
    return this;

function _getDescriptor(value, decriptorFlags) {
    var descriptor = { value: value };
    if (decriptorFlags), {
            enumerable: !! (decriptorFlags & constants.ENUMERABLE),
            configurable: !! (decriptorFlags & constants.CONFIGURABLE),
            writable: !! (decriptorFlags & constants.WRITABLE)

    return descriptor;



Option name Type Description
self Object

An object to add a property to

propertyValues Object

A map of keys and values of properties thatwill be added. The descriptors of properties will be defined by the following parameters.

decriptorFlags Integer

bit mask of property descriptor properties composed from _.ENUMERABLE (or _.ENUM), _.CONFIGURABLE (or _.CONF) and _.WRITABLE (or _.WRIT)

return Object

Syntax sugar to shorten usage of Object.defineProperties.
The simplest usage (to add non-enumerable, non-configurable, non-writable properties):

_.defineProperties(obj, {
    key1: value1,
    key2: value2

To define some other properties use sum of the flags _.ENUMERABLE (or _.ENUM), _.CONFIGURABLE (or _.CONF) and _.WRITABLE (or _.WRIT):

_.defineProperties(obj, {
    key1: value1,
    key2: value2
}, _.ENUM + _.WRIT);

Returns self.

function defineProperties(propertyValues, decriptorFlags) {
    var descriptors =, function(value) {
        return _getDescriptor(value, decriptorFlags);
    }, true);
    Object.defineProperties(this, descriptors);
    return this;



Option name Type Description
self Object

An object to be extended

obj Object

An object with properties to copy to

onlyEnumerable Boolean

Optional true to use only enumerable properties

preserveStructure Boolean

if true will throw at the attempt to overwrite object with scalar value (including Date and Regex) and vice versa

return Object

Extends object self with properties of obj to any depth, without overwrtiting existing object properties of self with object properties of obj.
Scalar properties of obj will overwrite properties of self. Scalar porperties of self will also be overwritten.
Correctly works with recursive objects.

var obj = {
    inner: {
        a: 1

_.deepExtend(obj, {
    inner: {
        b: 2

assert.deepEqual(obj, {
    inner: {
        a: 1,
        b: 2
}); // assert passes

Returns self.

function deepExtend(obj, onlyEnumerable, preserveStructure) {
    return _extendTree(this, obj, onlyEnumerable, preserveStructure, []);

function _extendTree(selfNode, objNode, onlyEnumerable, preserveStructure, objTraversed) {
    if (objTraversed.indexOf(objNode) >= 0) return; // node already traversed, obj has recursion

    // store node to recognise recursion

    var loop = Array.isArray(objNode) ? Array.prototype.forEach : eachKey;, function(value, prop) {
        var hasProp = selfNode.hasOwnProperty(prop)
            , isSelfObj = isNormalObject(selfNode[prop])
            , isValueObj = isNormalObject(value);

        if (preserveStructure && hasProp && isSelfObj != isValueObj)
            throw new Error('deepExtend');

        if (isValueObj) {
            if (!hasProp || !isSelfObj)
                selfNode[prop] = (Array.isArray(value)) ? [] : {};

            _extendTree(selfNode[prop], value, onlyEnumerable, preserveStructure, objTraversed);
        } else {
            var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(objNode, prop);
            Object.defineProperty(selfNode, prop, descriptor);
    }, this, onlyEnumerable);

    return selfNode;

function isNormalObject(value) {
    return typeof value == 'object' && value != null
            && !(value instanceof RegExp) && !(value instanceof Date)



Option name Type Description
self Object

An object to be extended

onlyEnumerable Boolean

Optional true to use only enumerable properties

return Object

Clones all object tree. Class of original object is not preserved. Returns self

function deepClone(onlyEnumerable) {
    if (this instanceof Date) return new Date(this);
    if (this instanceof RegExp) return new RegExp(this);
    var clonedObject = Array.isArray(this) ? [] : {};, this, onlyEnumerable);
    return clonedObject;



Option name Type Description
self Object

object to return keys of

return Array

Returns array of enumerable properties of the object

function keys() {
    return Object.keys(this);



Option name Type Description
self Object

object to return values from

return Array

Returns array of values of the object's keys

function values(onlyEnumerable) {
    var properties = onlyEnumerable
                ? Object.keys(this)

    return {
        return this[prop];
    }, this);



Option name Type Description
self Object

An object to get all properties of.

return Array

Returns array of all property names of an object self (including non-enumerbale).
To get only enumerable properties, use Object.keys().

function allKeys() {
   return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this);



Option name Type Description
self Object

An object to search a value in

searchElement Any

An element that will be searched. An exact equality is tested, so 0 is not the same as '0'.

onlyEnumerable Boolean

An optional true to search among enumerable properties only.

return String

An analogue of indexOf method of Array prototype.
Returns the key of searchElement in the object self.
As object keys are unsorted, if there are several keys that hold searchElement any of them can be returned. Use allKeysOf to return all keys.
All own properties are searched (not those inherited via prototype chain), including non-enumerable properties (unless onlyEnumerable is truthy).

function keyOf(searchElement, onlyEnumerable) {
    var properties = onlyEnumerable
                        ? Object.keys(this)

    for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++)
        if (searchElement === this[properties[i]])
            return properties[i];

    return undefined;



Option name Type Description
self Object

An object to search a value in

searchElement Any

An element that will be searched. An exact equality is tested, so 0 is not the same as '0'.

onlyEnumerable Boolean

An optional true to search among enumerable properties only.

return Array.<String>

Works similarly to the previous function, but returns the array of keys holding searchElement as their value.

function allKeysOf(searchElement, onlyEnumerable) {
    var properties = onlyEnumerable
                        ? Object.keys(this)

    var keys = properties.filter(function(prop) {
        return searchElement === this[prop];
    }, this);

    return keys;



Option name Type Description
self Object

An object which properties will be iterated

callback Function

Callback is passed value, key and self, its return value is not used.

thisArg Object

An optional context of iteration (the valueof this), will be undefined if this parameter is not passed.

onlyEnumerable Boolean

An optional true to iterate enumerable properties only.

An analogue of forEach method of Array prototype.
Iterates all own properties of self (or only enumerable own properties if onlyEnumerable is truthy) calling callback for each key.
This method should not be used with arrays, it will include length property in iteration.
To iterate array-like objects (e.g., arguments pseudo-array) use:

_.forEach(arguments, callback, thisArg);

Function returns self to allow chaining

function eachKey(callback, thisArg, onlyEnumerable) {
    var properties = onlyEnumerable
                        ? Object.keys(this)

    properties.forEach(function(prop) {, this[prop], prop, this);
    }, this);

    return this;



Option name Type Description
self Object

An object which properties will be iterated

callback Function

Callback is passed value, key and self and should return value that will be included in the map.

thisArg Object

An optional context of iteration (the valueof this), will be undefined if this parameter is not passed.

onlyEnumerable Boolean

An optional true to iterate enumerable properties only.

return Object

An analogue of map method of Array prototype.
Returns the object that is the result of the application of callback to values in all own properties of self (or only enumerable own properties if onlyEnumerable is truthy).
The returned object will be the instance of the same class as self.
Property descriptors of the returned object will have the same enumerable, configurable and writable settings as the properties of self.
This method should not be used with arrays, it will include length property in iteration.
To map array-like objects use:

var result =, callback, thisArg);
function mapKeys(callback, thisArg, onlyEnumerable) {
    var descriptors = {};, mapProperty, thisArg, onlyEnumerable);
    return Object.create(this.constructor.prototype, descriptors);

    function mapProperty(value, key, self) {
        descriptors[key] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(self, key);
        descriptors[key].value =, value, key, self);



Option name Type Description
self Object

An object which properties will be iterated

callback Function

Callback is passed previousValue, value, key and self and should return value that will be used as the previousValue for the next callback call.

initialValue Any

The initial value passed to callback as the first parameter on the first call.

thisArg Object

An optional context of iteration (the valueof this), will be undefined if this parameter is not passed.

onlyEnumerable Boolean

An optional true to iterate enumerable properties only.

return Any

An analogue of reduce method of Array prototype.
This method reduces the object to a single value. Iteration order is impossible to control with object.
This method should not be used with arrays, it will include length property in iteration.
To reduce array-like objects use:

var result = _.reduce(arguments, callback, initialValue, thisArg);
function reduceKeys(callback, initialValue, thisArg, onlyEnumerable) {
    var properties = onlyEnumerable
                        ? Object.keys(this)

    var memo = initialValue;

    properties.forEach(function(prop) {
        memo =, memo, this[prop], prop, this);
    }, this);

    return memo;



Option name Type Description
self Object

An object which properties will be iterated

callback Function

Callback is passed value, key and self. If it returns truthy value, the key/value will be included in the resulting object.

thisArg Object

An optional context of iteration (the valueof this), will be undefined if this parameter is not passed.

onlyEnumerable Boolean

An optional true to iterate enumerable properties only.

return Object

An analogue of filter method of Array prototype.
Returns the new object with keys for which callback returns true.
Property descriptors of the returned object will have the same enumerable, configurable and writable settings as the properties of self.
To filter array-like objects use:

var result = _.filter(arguments, callback, thisArg);
function filterKeys(callback, thisArg, onlyEnumerable) {
    var descriptors = {};, filterProperty, thisArg, onlyEnumerable);
    return Object.create(this.constructor.prototype, descriptors);;

    function filterProperty(value, key, self) {
        if (, value, key, self))
            descriptors[key] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(self, key);

var _passed = {}
    , _didNotPass = {};



Option name Type Description
self Object

An object which properties will be iterated

callback Function

Callback is passed value, key and self. If it returns truthy value, the function immeaditely returns true.

thisArg Object

An optional context of iteration (the valueof this), will be undefined if this parameter is not passed.

onlyEnumerable Boolean

An optional true to iterate enumerable properties only.

return Boolean

An analogue of some method of Array prototype.

function someKey(callback, thisArg, onlyEnumerable) {
    try {, testProperty, thisArg, onlyEnumerable);
    } catch (test) {
        if (test === _passed) return true;
        else throw test;
    return false;

    function testProperty(value, key, self) {
        if (, value, key, self))
            throw _passed;



Option name Type Description
self Object

An object which properties will be iterated

callback Function

Callback is passed value, key and self. If it returns falsy value, the function immeaditely returns false.

thisArg Object

An optional context of iteration (the valueof this), will be undefined if this parameter is not passed.

onlyEnumerable Boolean

An optional true to iterate enumerable properties only.

return Boolean

An analogue of every method of Array prototype.

function everyKey(callback, thisArg, onlyEnumerable) {
    try {, testProperty, thisArg, onlyEnumerable);
    } catch (test) {
        if (test === _didNotPass) return false;
        else throw test;
    return true;

    function testProperty(value, key, self) {
        if (!, value, key, self))
            throw _didNotPass;

var ArrayProto = Array.prototype
    , concat = ArrayProto.concat;



Option name Type Description
self Object

an object to pick keys from

arguments List.<String|Array>

list of keys (or array(s) of keys)

return Object

Returns object of the same class with only specified keys, that are passed as string parameters or array(s) of keys.

function pickKeys() { // , ... keys
    var keys = concat.apply(ArrayProto, arguments)
        , obj = Object.create(this.constructor.prototype);
    keys.forEach(function(key) {
        if (this.hasOwnProperty(key))
            obj[key] = this[key];
    }, this);
    return obj;



Option name Type Description
self Object

an object to omit keys in

arguments List.<String|Array>

list of keys (or array(s) of keys)

return Object

Returns object of the same class without specified keys, that are passed as string parameters or array(s) of keys.

function omitKeys() { // , ... keys
    var keys = concat.apply(ArrayProto, arguments)
        , obj =;
        delete obj[key];
    }, this);
    return obj;



Option name Type Description
self Any

object to compare

obj Any

object to compare

return Boolean

Performs deep equality test of the object. Does not work with recursive objects

function isEqual(obj) {
    if (this === obj) return this !== 0 || 1/this == 1/obj; // 0 and -0 are considered not equal, although 0 === -0 is true
    if (this == null || obj == null) return false;
    var className =;
    if (className != return false;
    switch (className) {
        case 'String':
            return this == String(obj);
        case 'Number':
            return this != +this ? obj != +obj : (this == 0 ? 1/this == 1/obj : this == +obj);
        case 'Date':
        case 'Boolean':
            return +this == +obj;
        case 'RegExp':
            return this.source == obj.source
                    && ==
                    && this.multiline == obj.multiline
                    && this.ignoreCase == obj.ignoreCase;
    if (typeof this != 'object' || typeof obj != 'object') return false;

    if (Array.isArray(this))
        return this.length == obj.length
                && this.every(function(item, index) {
                    return, obj[index]);
    else {
        return ==
                &&, function(value, key) {
                    return, obj[key]);



Option name Type Description
self Any

object to compare

obj Any

object to compare

return Boolean

The opposite of isEqual

function isNot(obj) {
    return !, obj);